During my stay in Antalya (29-31.10),I decided to go with my friend to the bazaar, i thougth that it would be easier to talk with sellers as they know English.The name of this place is "Old bazzar ', there is many sellers who want to sell everythink, starting from clothes to spices and tools for repair. We were able to talk with several vendors of different ages. 

  The first salesman I talked to so far, is working in this trade has been 10 years, this year the bazaar, however, signed an agreement with your boss for the next 15 years. This is his first and probably the last job. Bazaar is open till 9am to 8pm, seven days a week, so traders do not have the day off. All day long there is very loud, and crowded, so when he returns to the house is very tired, but he likes his job.
  Every day many tourists come there so they had to learn the English language and few words in other languages, for example, when they heard that we are from  Poland they greeted us "Dzień dobry , jak się masz?"(Hello, how are you?), it was very nice but you can see that everything is done to capture the customer .

  Another person was an older gentleman who sold peanuts in the seaside port. This man fev years ago worked for some company with the parts for machines, he is now retired, and he is selling peanuts for the kind considered leisure time.He also likes meet new people, talking with tourists, and what is more he has a occasion to watch the spectacular views of the harbor. Moreover it is also a theother form of earning extra money.

  The third person what we were able to talk was a  of spices and teas seller. He was a young boy who sold not a long time(he is new in this branch), before his dad solved but now resting at home. He taught him everything and showed how to make yourself new types of teas. This guy was very nice, gave us to try, 3 types of tea which he invented , it teasted good so we bought that tea from him. We also got a discount.(indirim- the most important word  for students) :)

Below, You can see pictures