25 October - I visited another cafeteria. I was also there with friends, but this time only foreigners students. When I saw in front of the cafeteria’s a large group of older men, I felt the adrenaline. But there was no turning back, we walked in, then we ordered tea and asked for another local game "TAVLA”; I would like try, and maybe learn how to play. 

Most of the men sat outside, so this time they looked at us and not we them. Such a situation was unusual for them…” Foreign students come to they cafeteria and they try to play in they game…”
Unfortunately we could not talk to anyone, the language barrier. However, the observation I learned that they come there; read the newspaper, talk about something important (talking loudly, gesticulating rapidly), maybe take a rest and so one.

I saw that,  seller had handed on to the prayer beads,( I think it is really common sight) He was amazed at how we have asked to join the picture.

Summing up the two visits to the other but how similar cafeterias,I can say that this was a very interesting experience, thanks to this I could cross a cultural barrier.