23 October - First cafeteria,which we visted - "Basak kiraathanesi" it is opposite the railway station. I was there with two Polish friends Błażej and Marta and also with our Turkish friend Halim. We decided to go there in a larger group, because it was safer for us - foreign students.

At the beginning I was a bit nervous, everybody looked at us strangely, but Halim reassured us and he said, that we have to behave naturally. We ordered tea and we started to play in the game “okay” , it was quite nice, we could watching at people and have a fun. Later we decided to approach the two old men and ask about their lives, what they do, whether they work as well if they would like to join us. Men willingly gave us a short interview and played with us.

We managed to find that both are working in a factory that deals with the repair of motor engines. Another question, why come here and for how long, they replied that it is often almost every day and that there can relax and unwind after work.

For us it is different because in Poland after work, we came back to home and spend time with family, children. Their wives all time are sitting at home, when they are in a cafe talking about work, politics, the whole day, play in the game. One of the nice men showed us pictures of their children, has a daughter who learns at our University (Department of Chemistry) and a son who now is being in a military school.

These gentlemen were simple, but rather poor people who have their daily duties. I also think that I can say… coming to the cafeteria is one of their daily rituals and this makes them happy.

Men willing to do a picture with us, were very nice and open. Later, we asked the men to support them if we could take a further photographs, were also willing. I would like to add that at the beginning, staff looked at us a little hostile, with a slight concern, but later everything was fine.
We were surprised when we saw our friend from college (you who sells lunches), came with his friends to play cards.

How we heard this place is open 24 hours a day, come into different people. On the walls are hanging prohibitions for example like – gambling is forbidden -, - you can not smoke here -etc. The cafeteria where we sat had its atmosphere, initially I felt a strange odor, gray-blue walls, old ceiling fans, small tables, there was dimly lighted.
Zapis fonetyczny

At the beginning I felt lost in there but after about 2 hours' residence and those people who often came precisely from work (dirty, a little stale) have indicated that this is something different, interesting. I'm sure she will not forget. For them it is very natural, their everyday life, we're coming there and started to ask about  their "privacy life", but they were so receptive to know how to share with us their experiences and tell us something about your private life.

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