22 lis 2010


     During the last day we went on a trip to Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, which lies on two continents. From there also my brother was leaving Turkey and he came back to Poland.
I was already in Istanbul two times, but that's still not enough to explore even 1/4 this great city.For my brother in Istanbul is also huge for me. everywhere you hear loud horns, crowded streets and sidewalks.Many bazaars where vendors want to sell it catching what they have.
    We managed to visit the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia, Topkapi Palace, I was surprised that there were no queues at the entrances.

19 lis 2010


        Friday 19 on November we decided to take our guests to Sazova Park. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shoning all the time. A month ago we were there alone because we wanted to checked everything, then there wasn't a lot of visitors but this time in the park was a lot of people. This is a great place to stroll for families, children can play safely. Places as like as Sazova I like very much, unfortunately in Poland we do not have them too much.
      When we come back from the park we decided on a little shopping. During bayramu everything was closed, so today we could show our families what Turkish bazaars look like .As usual, the bazaar is loud, large crowd of people, low prices, attractive products.
For them it was something new, but I think that it was an interesting experience.

18 lis 2010


Last day of Bayram, Marta and I organized a trip  for our families,   to the beautiful Pamukkale. We drove there at night, all day we were    sightseeing and during night,we return to Eskisehir. It was a tiring trip     but everyone will agree with that it was worth it.

      The beautiful limestone terraces, the ancient "city" Hierapolis, and the  shining sun ... that was all we dreamed of. During  our sunbathing  in Poland my parents must wearing in thick winter jackets, it is amazing, and good for us.

It is a short film from Pamukkale, if you want you  can use the link below:

16 lis 2010


On the second day we were in Eskisehir, we visited "our city" . It was 17/11/2010, the most important day of Bayram. We have witnessed the slaughter of the lamb, in our backyard a few men gathered and killed the poor animal.
  For us it was a nice view, but it is part of the Turkish tradition and culture.On the same day we decided that we would go for a short walk to the famous Odum Pazar.
    Buildings made a big impression on our family, a beautiful, old and colorful - something wonderful.We were also, in the nearest mosque, and museum near this pleace.


    During the holidays - Bayram,  my younger brother visited me. 
So for me it was a very good time, because I have not seen him
since 2 months and I missed him.
    This was the first time when my brother came to Turkey, so I wanted to show him everythink, tell and share with him how beautiful place he visit. On the first day we went to the capital - Ankara. We were there with our Polish friends, and what is more we met there with Nezih Orhon- with you :o)
     We managed to saw the most important and best known places, for example ; Old Castle, the Mausoleum of Ataturk,the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, and also two mosques.
     I can also skip a delicious lunch, and a wonderful dessert in a very good company.
    Before returning to Eskisehir we decided to go to the cafeteria (Marta, I and our "families"),to try traditional tea ,and what is more we try to  played in "tavla" but easier for our family was our Polish kind of this game "warcaby", it was the funny and nice day and I think it will be remain in our memory.

To see more I recommend using the following link:


3 lis 2010


   During my stay in Antalya (29-31.10),I decided to go with my friend to the bazaar, i thougth that it would be easier to talk with sellers as they know English.The name of this place is "Old bazzar ', there is many sellers who want to sell everythink, starting from clothes to spices and tools for repair. We were able to talk with several vendors of different ages. 


26 paź 2010


October 25, our wonderful trio went to one of the local bazaars. These places are full of different fruits and vegetables, aromatic spices, cheap stuff and trinkets. Market places have their charm, this is something different, full of people of all ages, everyone is pushing, shouting sellers, people go like "bewitched."



25 October - I visited another cafeteria. I was also there with friends, but this time only foreigners students. When I saw in front of the cafeteria’s a large group of older men, I felt the adrenaline. But there was no turning back, we walked in, then we ordered tea and asked for another local game "TAVLA”; I would like try, and maybe learn how to play. 



23 October - First cafeteria,which we visted - "Basak kiraathanesi" it is opposite the railway station. I was there with two Polish friends Błażej and Marta and also with our Turkish friend Halim. We decided to go there in a larger group, because it was safer for us - foreign students...
